Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Corporate Governance in Nepal Essay

â€Å"The first gaping imbalance in the emerging markets private equity equation was the accuracy timeliness, and transparency of financial and operating information provided to investors, and the willingness of managers to subject themselves to some degree of accountability to outsiders. Even in the best of circumstances, relationships between investors and the managers of their portfolio companies are complex and often contentious, but the absence of sound corporate governance practice has sharply accentuated that tension. Nowhere does this issue become more problematic than with family owned firms. Although widespread in all countries, family ownership tends to be even more prevalent in developing countries. The prototype is an entrepreneur who has built a successful business with virtually no capital or shareholders beyond his or her immediate family and close friends. Absent any accountability to outside shareholders, the interests of the owner and the firm are indistinguishable, and financial accounts are frequently intermingled. These traditions of autonomy, secrecy, and independence run deep within the corporate culture of most developing country firms, rarely challenged until the need for outside capital becomes imperative. Few entrepreneurs, for example, have ever undergone an independent audit or adhered to international accounting standards that are the prerequisites for virtually every professional investor. The prospective investor is thus at the mercy of the entrepreneur for access to information necessary to make critical judgments about company performance and value. The common practice, for example, of maintaining two or even three sets of accounting records in order to avoid the tax collector frustrates the due diligence team’s task of gaining an accurate picture of performance. Opaque bookkeeping and disclosure habits also may impede access to other important information that might alter investor perceptions of company value, such as environmental liabilities or unresolved legal disputes. As one investor noted, â€Å"One big problem is skeletons in the closet. Many of these great companies have hidden subsidiaries, offshore sales and other tax avoidance schemes.† Nor is the lure of badly needed capital likely to overcome resistance to outside investors who are inclined to push and prod management to make painful changes they believe are needed to increase transparency and enhance company value. It is not surprising, there†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Counselling Skills Essay

The term of Humanistic theory is an umbrella term. In fact it covers several approaches that embrace the idea of individuals being inherently good and a positive attitude towards humanity in essence. The most famous would be the person centered approach by Carl Rogers. Rogers studied Psychodynamic theory but his personality drove to focus more on feelings and less on the unconscious. He developed a form of therapy that was non-directive by the therapist, allowing the client to lead the session. Rogers considered the client to be the expert of himself, with the ability to heal himself if the conditions were right. He thought that interior growth in people would happened when we were experienced by someone else with no judgements, complete respect, acceptance and honesty. Rogers would call these the core conditions. To create these right conditions would be the task of the therapist. Rogers defined these core conditions as : Empathy, Genuineness and Acceptance. Empathy can be defined as understanding a situation from the other person’s perspective. This understanding would then have to be communicated back to the client. Instead of taking a solving problem approach towards the issues the client might be presenting, the therapist would try to understand them from the point of view of the client, from the place the person is at that time. When this happens, the client feels that their view is valid, that there is value in their thoughts and that they are therefore accepted. Genuineness can be defined as being open and real towards the client, admitting our imperfections if needed be. Rogers didn’t believe in the therapist as an aloof, impersonal expert but as someone that was â€Å"transparently real† to his clients. Genuineness can be communicated in different ways. It could be through our body language, by maintaining an open posture, not sitting behind a desk and not taking notes. It could also be by disclosing personal details about  yourself so the client can see your humanness too or sharing how you’ve felt about something the client might have shared. Acceptance, also know as unconditional positive regard or warmth is about not judging people and instead accepting them unconditionally and believing they are worthy on their own right. By doing this, the client feels free to explore and to express himself without having to behave in a particular way or trying to gain the therapist’s approval. He is accepted and allowed as a whole person, whether the therapist approves of their actions or not. This approach to therapy believes these conditions are â€Å"necessary and sufficient† for therapeutic change to occur, that growth will inevitably follow and the client will develop their own way or â€Å"self-actualise† and become true to himself, independent of external pressures. This is the goal in Humanistic Theory. Cognitive-Behavioural Theory Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck developed this model after training in the Psychodynamic approach. They both separately realised that focus should be on conscious thoughts and that painful, repetitive and unrealistic thought were the cause of issues. Over time their ideas have been put together and blended with some of Rogers’. The core idea underlying CBT is that is not events that create unhappiness or ill-being but our thoughts and emotions about those events. To learn to think correctly and realistically is the goal of CBT. In a CBT approach, the relationship between client and therapist is collaborative. The therapist’s aim is to teach the client how to think realistically and the behavioural skills relevant to the client. Before they start, goals and a time frame are agreed, progress is measured and the therapy ends when these goals are achieved. The client is also invited to choose actions to do each week as a form of homework. The ultimate goal of this kind of therapy is for the therapist to teach the client all they know and the techniques necessary so that he can continue to be in charge of his own well-being. To achieve this, the therapist may use some of the tools idiosyncratic to CBT: scaling, to give an indication of where the client is and measuring progress, exposure therapy, being gradually closer to an object or situation that causes fear until desensitisation occurs, or training of the skills needed by the client. The core of CBT is based on the ABC model by Ellis and the Automatic thoughts model by Beck. The ABC model of personality and emotional disturbance shows the link between thoughts and emotions. Ellis believed it was the individual’s response or interpretation of an event based in their own internal beliefs (which could be rational or irrational) what caused issues to arise. It wasn’t the event itself but the individual’s reaction to it that was damaging. The description of automatic thoughts would be of fleeting, involuntary thoughts and images that we are only semi-aware of. Beck realised these irrational thoughts, when negative or unrealistic could cause emotional distress and disorders. CBT teaches the client to be aware of these cognitive distortions, to monitor â€Å"activating events† that would spark disturbance and to recognise the connections between thinking, emotions and behaviour. Also, it aims to teach to test these maladaptive beliefs by examining the actual evidence for them and to ultimately substitute these negative thoughts for more realistic thinking. Psychodynamic Theory This approach is largely based on the work of Sigmund Freud. He focused on the such as importance of the unconscious as the force directing our behaviour. He also made links between our experiences in childhood and  present behavioural problems, placing an strong emphasis on the role of sexual drive and repression in the development of of personality. Freud developed a model that divided the human personality in three areas: the Ego, the Superego and the Id. The Ego would be the collection of behavioural rules and beliefs acquired during childhood and would act as a mediator between the Id and the Superego. It would balance impulses and expectations, unrealistic dreams and reality. The Id would be the animal, infantile part of our psyche, generating impulsive urges for instant satisfaction such as food, drugs, pleasure, sex, etc. The Superego would be the internal judge, our conscience, the internalized authority figure. It criticises our behaviour and thoughts. Freud thought that the first seven years of a person’s life were the most significantly developmentally. This was be the time when our unconscious would be populated, not just by events, but also by how we reacted to those events. To create a conscious connection to those experiences and examining them is the core of a Psychodynamic approach. Some of the ways in which the unconscious could be uncovered are : the phenomenon of transference, the significance of dreams and defence mechanisms. Transference would happen when the client would repeat patterns of behaviour, towards the therapist or someone else that reveal an issue from the past. An example could be the way they feel about the therapist, mirroring their relationship with a parent or other authority figure, maybe signalling an unsolved conflict. Dreams were thought to be extremely important for the understanding of the unconscious mind. They were considered our unconscious way of processing and dealing with events and by noting and examining them, important insight  could be gained. Freud also noticed the use of defence mechanisms. These are behaviours or patterns of thought that impede the clear understanding of a particular issue by the client. Behaviours such as resistance, denial or over-rationalisation are the most common. These patterns happen because of the fear people might have to change, the discomfort about the unknown that makes them stick to their old patterns of behaviour, even if they are not useful any more. Once that real understanding of what the client is defending against is reached, the defence can be given up.

A reflection of Odysseus and Modern Day Heroes Essay

Written about two thousand and seven hundred years earlier, the Odyssey is still influencing modern storytelling today. Odysseus, the legendary Greek king of Ithaca and protagonist of Homer’s epic poem the Odyssey was recognized as a great hero of his time. He was known for his defining qualities of superior strength and athleticism, sharp intellect, sensual ness, and a thirst for glory. These character traits are still being used to attribute modern day fictional heroes such as Neo, Captain Jack Sparrow, James Bond, and Spiderman. Accordingly, the heroic qualities of Odysseus can be still be seen in today’s modern day fictional heroes. Odysseus’s superior strength and athleticism resembles to modern day character of Neo in The Matrix. In the Odyssey, Penelope told the suitors that she would marry who ever was able to string Odysseus’s old bow and shoot it through twelve axe heads. Many suitors attempted this task but not a single one was even strong enough to string the bow. However, â€Å"Without any strain, Odysseus strung the great bow†¦ Taking the string and the head grooves he drew to the middle grip, and from the very chair where he sat, bending the bow before him, let the arrow fly, nor missed any axes from the first handle on, but the bronze-weighted arrow passed through all, and out the other end† (Homer, 319 – 320). Odysseus’s ability to string the incredibly stiff bow and to shoot it through twelve axe heads when not a single other suitor could do it depicts his sheer strength and athleticism. This ability is also apparent with Neo from the movie The Matrix. In the movie, Neo has the ability to freely manipulate the simulated reality of the Matrix. This skill, allows him to have superhuman strength and agility, and the ability to brush off attacks that would kill or disable a normal human being with relative ease. There is a particular scene that exemplifies this where Neo fights off about thirty agents with his bare hands. As depicted in the script written by the Wachowski Brothers, â€Å"Their attack is a devastating onslaught of speed and power closing in around Neo like a vise. But Neo is a mirage, slipping and flipping around them in a deadly counter attack, heaving agents in the air† (Wachowski Brother, 18). Neo’s superhuman strength and athleticism is comparable to Odysseus. Both characters are way stronger and quicker than the average warrior, which enables them to fight off exceptional opponents. Besides Brute strength, Odysseus shares many  other deeper qualities with modern day heroes. Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean shares Odysseus’s knack for quick thinking and cleverness. Odysseus demonstrates this trait when trying to escape from the Polyphemus’s cave by tricking Polyphemus into thinking that his name is Nobody. When Odysseus finally attacks the Cyclops and blinds him, Polyphemus cries for help saying, â€Å"‘Good Friends, Nobody is killing me by force or treachery.’ So then the others speaking in winged words gave him an answer: ‘If alone as you are none uses violence on you,'† (Homer, 147). Odysseus’s cleverness to say that his name is Nobody prevents the other Cyclopes from entering the cave and allows him escape with his men. Captain Jack Sparrow also possesses this same trait of cleverness. Sparrow is often out skilled in sword fighting by other characters so he resorts to using negotiation in order to distract his enemies or turn them against each other. Sparrow stated, â€Å"Why fight when you can negotiate? All one needs is the proper leverage† (Walt Disney Pictures). There is a scene that exemplifies this when a group of soldiers catch Sparrow trying to steal one of their ships. The Soldiers ask Sparrow, â€Å"What’s your business in Port Royal,? And no lies!† Sparrow answers, â€Å"I confess: I intend to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, and go on the account, do a little honest pirating† (Walt Disney Pictures). Sparrow is so openly honest about his mischief that the soldiers don’t even believe him. This clever use of words and psychology help Sparrow escape from the Soldiers and eventually steal their ship. Both Sparrow and Odysseus use this type of sharp cunning intellect to get what they need. Odysseus also shares his trait of sensual ness to women with the modern day hero of James Bond. There were numerous occasions where Odysseus came across a beautiful woman and lived a luxurious life with her before continuing his journey home. Three such examples were Calypso, Nausicaa, and Circe. With Circe in particular, Circe turned all of Odysseus crew into swine, but he was able to resist her powers, which caused her to fall in love with him. Odysseus then decided to spend a year of luxury on her island as her lover. Odysseus said, â€Å"We sat there feasting on unlimited meat and sweet wine. But when the sun went down and the sacred darkness came over†¦ but I, mounting  the surpassingly beautiful bed of Circe, clasped her by the knees and entreated her† (Homer, 164). Odysseus enjoyed his luxurious life with Circe in an exotic land, but only to a point. Eventually, he decided to focus on the greater task at hand and return home to Ithaca. James Bond possesses this same trait of sensual ness towards women throughout all of the bond films. In just about every film, Bond comes across a beautiful female that he ends up spending an intimate time with before going off to save the world. In Casino Royal, Bond enters a relationship with Solange. Solange says to Bond, â€Å"What is it about bad men? You†¦ my husband. I had so many chances to be happy, so many nice guys. Why can’t nice guys be more like you?† Bond replies, â€Å"Because then they’d be bad.† Solange kissing him some more, â€Å"Mmmmm, yeah†¦!† (MGM). Bonds smoothness and intellect help him win over the hearts of numerous women just like Odysseus. However, both Bond and Odysseus never get too wrapped up in a relationship to forget what their greater goals are. Bond always moves on and saves the world and Odysseus always leaves his lover in order to return home to Ithaca. Both characters have a strong sense of sensual n ess towards females, but it never seems to distract them from their main goals. Lastly, a trait that may not be seen as positive is Odysseus’ lust for pride and glory, which is shared with the modern day hero, Spiderman. Like other Greek heroes, Odysseus longed to win kleos, which is glory won through great deeds. This kleos sometimes led Odysseus into taking pride in his own glorious acts when it wasn’t really necessary. After cleverly tricking the Polyphemus and escaping from his lair, Odysseus said, â€Å"Cyclops, if any mortal man ever asks you who it was that inflicted upon your eye this shameful blinding, tell him that you were blinded by Odysseus, sacker of cities† (150, Homer). Odysseus could not resist his thirst for glory after defeating the Cyclops and needed to reveal his name for the sake of his own pride. Peter Parker as Spiderman possesses this same quality. When Peter first learned of his new spider powers, he tried to use them to impress other people. He took pictures of himself fighting criminals and sent them to the newspa per for people to see. He wanted other people to see how amazing his powers were and to glorify him for them. According to the story synopsis, â€Å"At first, Peter decides to use these powers to make money to  impress Mary Jane. He appears in a wrestling match and, armed with his new spider strength, wins the match in record time† (Marvel, and Columbia Pictures). Peter used his powers to glorify his own image just like Odysseus. However, this trait between the two characters does not benefit them in any way, so why is it relevant between two heroes?The fact that both Odysseus and Spiderman had a strong sense of pride provided room in the stories for it to be overcome. This trait of pride had drastic consequences for both characters. Spiderman’s pride caused him to spend too much time on impressing other people when he could have been a hero. This prevented him from saving his uncle Ben from being murdered because he was preoccupied. Odysseus pride caused him to reveal his true identity to Poseidon, who in turn seeked vengeance on him. This lead to a great amount suffering that Odysseus had to endure on his journey home. However, both characters were able to overcome their pride to a certain degree by the end of the stories. Spiderman eventually learned that â€Å"with great power, comes great responsibility† and to use his powers to protect the city from evil and not for his own glory (Marvel, and Columbia Pictures). By the end of the epic, Odysseus seemed much more willing to temper pride with patience. When disguised as a beggar, he did not immediately react to the abuse he received from the suitors. Instead, he endured it until the trap was set for him to strike down on them. In a sense, the quality that was passed down from the Odyssey to modern day heroes is the ability to overcome pride and the glorified self. Many of today’s fictional heroes resemble the character traits of Odysseus. Odysseus’ brute strength and athleticism can be seen in Neo. His cleverness and quick thinking resemble Captain Jack Sparrow. His sensual ness towards women, but without losing sight of the greater goal is comparable to James Bond. And his pride and thirst for glory is shared with Spiderman and how both of them were able to suppress it. Overall, it’s remarkable that today’s characters still resemble such an ancient hero. Will our idea of what makes a hero ever change? Works Cited Elliot, Ted, Terry Roscio, and Walt Disney Pictures. â€Å"Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Screenplay.† 3 Nov. 2008 . Homer. The Odyssey. 1967. Trans. Richard Lattimore. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 2007. Marvel, and Columbia Pictures. â€Å"Spider-Man The Story.† Spider-Man Official site. 3 Nov. 2008 . Purvis, Neal, Robert Wade, and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM). â€Å"Casino Royale Script.† Script-O-Rama. 3 Nov. 2008 . Wachowski Brothers. â€Å"The Matrix Reloaded Screenplay.† 3 Nov. 2008 .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Flexibility facilitates innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Flexibility facilitates innovation - Essay Example A great deal of attention has been given to the psychological research on the personality of highly creative people in comparison to the less creative people. Positive characteristics are deemed to be related to high creativity. Research has unveiled that the sensation- seeking trait, in terms of preference for new and different experiences and readiness to incur risk in order to experience such, leads to spontaneous flexibility (Georgsdottir, 2004: p 168: pag 2). Flexibility on the level of personality can further be reflected in the ability of creative individuals to merge opposite or conflicting traits. The dimension of cognitive style gives disparity between the explorers as individuals who demonstrate spontaneous flexibility in providing solutions to problems, and the assimilators as individuals who tackle problems in a rule- bound and more rigid way (2004: p 168: pag 3). It may be more advantageous and profitable to employ a universal processing style during commencement of a project, in order to identify the importance of novice merchandise in the marketplace, or to collect information from varied sources (Georgsdottir, 2004: p 169: pag 3). On the other hand, during the more content- based explanation of specific merchandise, after generation of an idea, processing locally is of great assistance. Creativity is a product of integration between an individual and cultural environment. Flexibility is a major characteristic of organizational culture. When the organizational structure is rigid with hierarchical model, corporate flexibility is low and managers make conservative decisions while desisting from risky procedures and thus suffocate creativity (Georgsdottir, 2004: p 170: pag 2). Adaptive flexibility in definition is the ability to conform to fresh methods and strategies to solve a problem because of failure in old methods, or redefining a problem so as to obtain an original solution (Georgsdottir, 2004: p 167: pag 2). The ability to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

INNOVATION IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP, CULTURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

INNOVATION IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP, CULTURE - Essay Example They attempt to suppress his invention, an incredibly strong textile fiber which repels dirt and never wears out, plus the suit made out of it is brilliantly white. Professional and personal traits: Sidney Stratton is seen as a genius, brilliant but very eccentric scientist. He is an entrepreneurial, visionary research chemist. He is a former Cambridge Scholarship recipient, who has been dismissed from jobs at several textile mills because of his demands for expensive facilities and his obsession with inventing an everlasting fabric. He is a People’s man, who dreams of a common man’s ease of buying a suit that will never wear out, repel dirt and is extremely luminous giving it a new look no matter how many times it is worn. Sidney also sees this invention as his ticket to fame and wants the world to know about it. He is heroic and does not get disappointed in the failure of his fabric but is shown working instantly to correct the error. He is a continuous innovator and a diligent researcher. He possesses traits of creative people like attraction to complexity, high levels of energy, independence, strong self-confidence. Type of engineering and technology used: The engineering material used in his textile fiber is a mixture of natural, synthetic fiber, polymer fiber and silicon fiber. His methods also emphasize on automation of the whole textile process. Since natural fibers are biodegradable over time, Sidney uses other fibers to increase its lifetime and give the fiber interesting properties such as being stain-free, dirt free and does not wear out. Polymer fibers are a subset of man-made fibers, which are based on synthetic chemicals rather than arising from natural materials by a purely physical process. These are long chain molecules which undergo a chemical reaction with synthetic materials and silica. The researcher also mixes radioactive materials which gives striking properties to the fiber. Creativity: Sidney’s ability to generate new ideas in an existing fabric is displayed vividly in his innovation of the textile fabric. The final outcome of Sidney’s research is unbelievable dirt-free fiber, fabric of which gives off everlasting cleanliness because the fiber does not become dirty. It is not degradable over time which keeps it stain free and stays new every time it is worn. Due to radioactive materials used in the fiber, the fabric cannot absorb any dye and is also slightly luminous, thus, a suit made out of it is brilliantly white. Success of outcomes: Sidney’s research blooms fruitful and give him success in creation of a fabric that will make consumers life very happy. This innovation is Sidney’s ticket to fame, money and recognition in the textile world. It will also open up new ventures as the fiber might be used in other manufacturing materials. This will increase Sidney’s success in not only textile industry but other sectors as well. The common man will highly appreciate t he outcome of this research and Sidney’s real success lies in decreasing the need to purchase a new fabric each time the old one wears out. Acquisition and use of knowledge: Sidney is sabotaged by labor unions and mill owners when they find out about his invention of the fabric. The lunch mob of bosses and workers hunt Sidney down through dark, narrow streets to acquire his invention or the formula. The company through hostile take-over tries to force Guinness to sign over the invention to them

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Last Hope Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Last Hope - Essay Example The poem also displays the importance of a mother in one’s life and how the loss of such an important figure can lead to a lot of grief and sorrow. Aracelis Girmay writes the poem The Dream  to express her feelings about death and the contradictions that exist within it. It is a poem which shows the irony of living as a human being, some being happy with their lot in life while others remain sad due to their the tragic events, such as death, that happen in their lives. Girmay uses this poem to display the true nature of human life, that nothing is ever permanent and death is ever present to take away the people that we value the most, and leaving behind individuals who are full of grief, sorrow, and mourning. The use of imagery is very extensive in this poem especially when making contrasts between the beauty of life and the abruptness through which it comes to an end. Girmay states that â€Å"below the window, my mother/young, playing with me/at a rock, in some sunlight/falling over us†. This statement can be employed to show what the persona in the poem thought of their mother. That the mother was alive, she was a jovial person who played with her children and was happy with them. However, it seems that death came abruptly since the tone from the poem is one of sadness. The image of night or darkness is used to refer to death as well as the feelings of grief and sorrow that are experienced by the children who are bereaved after the loss of their mother. It can be said that the image of darkness, when contrasted to the beauty of the world before the mother’s death may be Girmay’s way of stating that the world is beautiful just the way it is but it is death which mak es it not to be a pleasant place to live in due to its corrupting influence over it. This image may also be used to show the price which individuals have to pay when they lose their loved ones to death because nothing

Friday, July 26, 2019

Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13

Political Science - Essay Example Of all the demands of these young revolutionaries, the recurrent theme among those protesting in every nation, was ethical accountability in public life, and transparency in governance and justice. These revolutions refuted the repeated claim of Arab rulers, that their people were not ready for democracy; only proving once again that people everywhere desire dignity and freedom of choice. The common thread that runs through the activists, be it Neila Chaabane of Tunisia, Wael Ghonim of Egypt, Mohammed Nabbous of Libya, Razan Ghazzawi of Syria or Bushra al Mugtari of Yemen; is that they are ordinary young men and women who seized a momentous opportunity to change the history of their nations, through a display of courage and mental strength that defied the rulers who for long had oppressed their people. Chaabane is a law professor who braved death threats in order to put paid to the tyranny of Tunisia’s ruler Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. Other Tunisians followed her example to help in institution building in Tunisia. Wael Ghonim used the tools of social networking to advocate freedom for victims of state brutality in Egypt. His views about revolutionary struggles proved crucial in uniting his fellow Egyptians to participate in a freedom struggle that succeeded in overthrowing Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. In Libya, it was a young journalist Mohammed Nabbous, wh o set up an independent TV station to inform people of the atrocities being committed on civilians in Benghazi. Unfortunately he had to pay the price for his audacity in standing up to Muammar Gaddafi. Razan Ghazzawi, a Syrian blogger managed to mobilise the masses through her facebook and twitter posts in the ongoing uprising against the rule of Bashar al-Assad, till she was arrested along with other rights activists. Young and dynamic Yemeni activists Tawakkul Karman, and Bushra al Mugtari persist against mighty odds in their

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate Social Responsibility - Assignment Example Therefore there is a need for good corporate social responsibility toward the customer given the fact that the organization products or services are made for the consumption of the customers/public and in the even whereby the customer fails to consume the products, there is the danger of the organization becoming irrelevant or redundant because it would no longer need to carry out any more production. Another interesting contribution that speakers raised in the seminar concerning customers as stakeholders which the organization must address when it comes to social responsibility were whether for public offices especially government and not for profit organizations have customers as stakeholders. 1.2 It also emerged that the process of winning customers is quite an expensive one and therefore losing the customers by failing to adhere to corporate social responsibility requirements is a major undoing for the organizations considering the fact that organizations must need to be genuinely concerned about the well being and the wellness of the customers. Indeed organizations must also be able t,o rise above short-term focus and foresee the situation in a long-term sense. 1.3 Speaker after speaker supported this view of thinking but some of the speakers opposed this contention arguing that the organization risks spending a lot...This, opponents argued, is in contravention of the reason why organizations exist. The opponents of corporates social responsibility argued that organizations and customer relations are modeled on a consumerism principle whereby each side tries to gain the most out of the other and therefore the customer is less concerned about the well being and wellness of the organization. The opponents wondered why therefore the organization should spend thousands or millions of dollars trying to please the customers.  

Research Bibliography Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bibliography - Research Paper Example Visual arts and film studies is a broad body of knowledge that requires adequate research in a variety of fields. Several scholars in the field of visual arts and film studies have wrote useful research books that can be used for comprehensive studies. Francisco Goya is among the scholars who have made a great contribution in the field of visual arts and film studies. A critical analysis of his works portrays a cognitive combination of various artistic features aimed at broadening the reader’s mind in analyzing artistic aspects. Francisco Goya developed the los Caprichos, which comprise of 80 sets of prints put out as an album (Goya, 50). Francisco’s works are organized as an artistic experiment tailored to picture the flaws in the knowledge base of the Spanish society, a place he spent much of his time. Francisco elaborated the issue of dominance of superstition in the society, high level of ignorance, defective leadership approach, and marital slipups. Generally, his works can be described as depicting since they are concerned with outlining misconceptions that are evident in any civilized society. In essence, most of his works point out deceptive features in the society such as ignorance, self-interest by leaders, and unclear means of acquiring wealth. For the purpose of studying various aspects of visual arts and film studies, we can focus on the fourth series of Francisco’s artistic genre. The series is a critique of the practices experienced in the 18th century in the Spanish society and the human race at large. Francisco uses a unique informal style of writing to convey crucial information regarding the contemporary society and people behavior. His style of presenting ideas laid a foundation for quality print production for future generations. From studying the works of Francisco Goya, people understood that information can be passed through prints and animation. In addition, blending color with a combination of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why Sudanese are seeking Asylum in the United States Research Paper

Why Sudanese are seeking Asylum in the United States - Research Paper Example For instance, some seek political asylum based on their political opinions. Others are seeking for asylum to regain their freedom, while others are in need of seeking for better lives for them and their families (Tim and Ibrahim 23). It is evident that most Sudanese are seeking asylum from the United States for the sake of their protection from their governments, seek desired freedom, and leads better lives. As a result, the US government is determined to ensure that the well-being of these Sudanese is maintained (Huang 63). With the various types of asylum that the US government is offering to them, the Sudanese are able to lead better lives, with a peace of mind and thus they are able to maximize on their potential (Refugee Council USA 1). This is because with the current level of political unrest in their country, realizing their full potential becomes difficult due to the various shortcomings present (Suess 45). However, the successful ones who gain the asylum in the United States are protected from all the negativities that arise in their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Homework 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Homework 4 - Essay Example entified that; organization is a place where in different departments work together in order to contribute in the long run productivity of the company as a whole (Beasley, M et al. 2009). Marketing department is one of the most important departments from the standpoint of an organization because it usually deals with the inflow and outflow of funds of a company. There are certain things that come under the ambit of marketing management. The main perspective of this assignment is to analyze the thing accordingly and by applying regression tools on the same. The company which has been chosen for the same is Ashland Multicomm Services, which is a internet service provider with telephone cables and internet cables. Forecasting is one of the most important things from the standpoint of a company and from the standpoint of a thing is well. Forecasting is the process of making statements about events whose actual outcomes (typically) have not yet been observed. A commonplace example might be estimation of some variable of interest at some specified future date. Prediction is a similar, but more general term. Both might refer to formal statistical methods employing time series, cross-sectional or longitudinal data, or alternatively to less formal judgmental methods. The forecasting process which has been judge by the company is not at all perfect and it is under severe criticism because the company has not judge and measures the consequences of the project on the company’s productivity. There are number of things which can be taken into consideration, other than that the telemarketing hours spending, which predominantly are the effects of the same on the net profit and revenue recognition of the company as a whole. The company has to consider the effects of the same in total, merely to analyze the same. A statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship between one dependent variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of other

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Introduction of Belt Conveyor Characteristics Essay Example for Free

The Introduction of Belt Conveyor Characteristics Essay Belt conveyor, also called continuity conveyor, is a kind of machinery transporting materials in a certain line continuously. Its transmission line is generally constant, and able to take horizontal or tilting transmission as well as form space transmission lines. The machine has a great transmission capacity and long distance, which can also achieve some process operations simultaneously. Belt conveyor made by our company has the advantages of large transportation amount, simple structure, convenient maintenance, standard components and so on. It is widely used in mining, metallurgy, coal and other departments in order to transport loose materials and finished products. Based on the transmission process requirements, all kinds of transmission methods are available to meet the needs of different operation lines. This conveyor has the characteristics of the following aspects: (1) nose structural steel frame structure, the main structure of a release channel steel welding processed, the nose section of the large belt conveyors use of higher strength of H-shaped steel welding, angle steel, channel as an auxiliary component. See more: how to start a paragraph Depending on the transport and installation conditions, can be designed as a whole or split modular. (2) the conveyor can be used single-motor drives, can also be used for the dual motor drive to adapt to a variety of transportation tasks and the length of the conveyor. Gear is equipped with a hydraulic coupling, in order to improve the startup performance of the conveyor, and to ensure that tend to balance load distribution in the two-motor drive. 3) the middle part of the steel frame or tube frame structure, a simple structure, transport disassembly and adjustment easy. A longer service life of the middle frame and high recycling rate swaps, to reduce production inputs in the same specification conveyor. (4) H-shaped support of the middle frame brittle can be designed to be adjustable type,to adapt to the conditions of a high degree of fluctuation of the roadway floor, to ensure that the conveyor belt to almost straight, reducing the amount of roadway engineering. 5) The tape tensioning device according to site conditions, set in the machine head, the engine department, or the middle of the Ministry of Depending on the length of the belt conveyor, conveyor and layout needs, you can worm volume simply tensioning device tensioning winches tensioning device or hydraulic tensioning device for the timely adjustment of the tape tension.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Aspects of Indian Health Policy

Aspects of Indian Health Policy 1.23 HEALTH POLICY Health approach could be characterized as the choices, plans, and activities that are embraced to accomplish particular health care objectives inside a social order. According to the World Health Organization, an express health arrangement can attain some things: it characterizes a dream for whats to come; it diagrams necessities and the normal parts of diverse gatherings; and it constructs accord and advises individuals. There are numerous classes of health arrangements, incorporating individual health care strategy, pharmaceutical arrangement, and approaches identified with open health, for example, immunization approach, tobacco control arrangement or breastfeeding advancement arrangement. They may blanket subjects of financing and conveyance of health care, access to care, nature of care, and health value. There are additionally numerous points in the legislative issues and confirmation that can impact the choice of a legislature, private segment business or other assembly to embrace a particular arrangement. Different nations have an express strategy to guarantee and help access for every last bit of its natives, to store health research, and to anticipate sufficient numbers, dispersion and nature of health specialists to meet health care objectives. Numerous governments far and wide have built general health care, which takes the trouble of health care liabilities off of private organizations or people through pooling of budgetary danger. There are a mixed bag of contentions for and against general health care and related health arrangements. Health care is a critical a piece of health frameworks and hence it frequently represents one of the biggest territories of using for both governments and people everywhere throughout the world. 1.24 PERSONAL HEALTH CARE POLICY 1.241 Philosophy: right to health Many countries and jurisdictions integrate a human rights philosophy in directing their health care policies. The World Health Organization reports that every country in the world is party to at least one human rights treaty that addresses health-related rights, including the right to health as well as other rights that relate to conditions necessary for good health.[3] The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) asserts that medical care is a right of all people: 1.242 Economics: health care financing Many types of health policies exist focusing on the financing of health care services to spread the economic risks of ill health. These include publicly funded health care (through taxation or insurance, also known as single-payer systems), mandatory or voluntary private health insurance, and complete capitalization of personal health care services through private companies, among others. The debate is ongoing on which type of health financing policy results in better or worse quality of health care services provided, and how to ensure allocated funds are used effectively, efficiently and equitably. 1.243 Other health policy options Health strategy alternatives amplify past the financing and conveyance of individual health care, to dominions, for example, restorative exploration and health workforce arranging, both locally and universally. 1.25 Medical research policy Medical research might be both the groundwork for characterizing confirmation based health arrangement, and the subject of health approach itself, especially regarding its wellsprings of financing. Those energetic about government approaches for freely financed medical research set that uprooting benefit as a rationale will expand the rate of medical improvement. Those contradicted contend that it will do the inverse, since evacuating the motivating force of benefit evacuates motivations to enhance and restrains new innovations from being produced and used. Health workforce policy A few nations and purviews have an unequivocal strategy or technique to anticipate sufficient numbers, appropriation and nature of health specialists to meet human services objectives, for example, to address medical practitioner and nursing deficiencies. Somewhere else, health workforce arranging is conveyed around labour market members as an indifference methodology to health arrangement. Confirmation based approaches for health workforce improvement are ordinarily dependent upon discoveries from health administrations research. Promoting health in lower income countries has been seen as instrumental to achieve other goals on the global agenda, including: Promoting global security Promoting economic development Promoting social justice 1.26 GLOBAL HEALTH POLICY Global health policy encompasses the global governance structures that create the policies underlying public health throughout the world. In addressing global health, global health policy implies consideration of the health needs of the people of the whole planet above the concerns of particular nations. Distinguished from both international health policy (agreements among sovereign states) and comparative health policy (analysis of health policy across states), global health policy institutions consist of the actors and norms that frame the global health response. 1.274 MEDICAL TOURISM A few key patterns are offering driving force to the development of Indias healthcare segment. Of these, restorative city is generally another notion that offers enormous development chances, notwithstanding the therapeutic tourism. India is additionally viewed as the most intense goal with focal points of more level cost and refined medicines. Because of such guaranteeing components, the restorative tourism has incredible potential in the nation. Apollo Hospitals has six tele-prescription (through motion picture conferencing framework) centres in the East and North East India. Arrangements are forthcoming to include an alternate 24 through the following couple of years. 1.28 GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES The Government of India has chosen to expand health use to 2.5 for every penny of terrible provincial item (GDP) toward the conclusion of the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17). Dr Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, additionally emphasised the requirement for expanded cost to health division throughout the Twelfth Five Year Plan. Also, 100 for every penny FDI is allowed for health and medicinal administrations under the immediate way. A few highlights of the Union Budget 2013-14 introduced by Mr P Chidambaram, Minister of Finance, Government of India, for the healthcare are as takes after: †¢Health for all remains one of the necessity segments for the Government †¢The Ministry of Health Family Welfare has been designated Rs 37,330 crore (Us$ 5.87 billion). Of this, the new National Health Mission that joins the rustic mission and the proposed urban mission will get Rs 21,239 crore (Us$ 3.35 billion), an increment of 24.3 for every penny over the Revised Estimates (RE) †¢ Rs 4,727 crore (Us$ 744.41 million) for restorative training, preparing and exploration In addition, contributions made to schemes of Central and State Governments similar to Central Government Health Scheme, eligible for section 80D of the Income Tax Act. 1.29 CHALLENGES 1.291 HIGH CAPITAL COSTS Contingent upon the district and land takes, a normal healing facility obliges capital implantation of Rs 40 lakhs to a crore for every couch ( much more). Industry assessments propose that any clinic with capital expenses of more than 50 lakhs for every cot has high development period and even may be unviable. Land and building together record for very nearly 40 for every penny of the sum task cost and influences the practicality relying upon the ensuing for every cot cost. 1.292 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Helping very nearly 40 for every penny requires in a tertiary setup, the medicinal supplies however front line around then of procurement represents the risk of unavoidable outdated nature inside five to seven years of setup. This issue is intensified by the certainty the greater part of such gear is transported in and not many neighbourhood presumed makers exist. This will prompt distributing to higher medication expenses and will further prompt lesser intense edges and low utilisation rates bringing about an undesired working edges. 1.293 HUMAN RESOURCES: As Dr Prathap Reddy puts it, the biggest challenge for him and Apollo is filling the void of human resources. The quick growing household healthcare industry is the third biggest management, yet is intensely short of labour, as per him. According to service of health, there is a lack of pretty nearly half a million specialists, a million attendants and the shortage necessities to be filled in the following five years. Such deficiency will prompt exponential pay climb requests, and further prompt high patient care costs. 1.294 CONVENTIONAL MODELS OF BUSINESS Just about 90 for every penny of private division in India is run under the unorganised part. The clinical stronghold bill likewise has confronted colossal restriction and an expert healthcare consultancy firm guided healthcare business is not still seen oftentimes. The ordinary model of healthcare business might need to change to acquire untapped chances, operational efficiencies and better productivity. This might likewise pull in better private value which is presently redirected to additional lucrative businesses. In general society healthcare division the foundation is furnished dependent upon the measure of the populace rather than epidemiological profile. This numerous time brings about under-utilisation of framework, and at last not taking care of the requests of the nearby populace and waste. 1.295 OPPORTUNITIES 1.2951 POPULATION Numerous might consider that the enormous populace of India might be a bane. Be that as it may it has ended up being a monstrous business chance crosswise over businesses like telecom, telecast and healthcare.

Cultural Differences in Work and Life Patterns

Cultural Differences in Work and Life Patterns Examine the main differences in patterns of everyday life, work, government support and self sufficiency among peoples of the world. How are these patterns changing, and what contribution is the activity of businesses owned by peoples in North America, Australia, Japan and Western Europe making to these changes? Considering the main differences in the patterns of everyday life, work, government support and self sufficiency among peoples of the world is complicated by the fact that there are 6 billion people in the world, and each of them will have their own life, job and other unique attributes. In addition, with over 200 recognised countries on Earth, it is difficult to analyse patterns on a country basis in such a small piece. As such, it is necessary to define a limited number of groups of similar countries in order to analyse the patterns. This piece will use three main groups based on the definitions of Hines (2008). The first of these is the ‘W1’ group, which consists of the United States, Western Europe, Japan, Korea and Australia, which are viewed as the most developed economies in the world, with large consumptions of resources and goods. The second group, ‘W2’, consists of the nations with relatively strong economies, and a balanced profile of resources an d consumption. These include India, China, Brazil, Russia and many other rapidly growing nations. Finally, ‘W3’ includes the poorest nations on Earth, including much of Africa and Bangladesh. The differences in wealth in these countries helps explain some of the differences in patterns of everyday life, reflected in cultural values. The W3 nations emphasise traditional values, respect for authority, obedience, the importance of religion, strong work ethics and the importance of large families. In contrast, the W2 segment focuses on achievement, the value of science and technology, the importance of the state hard work, and a belief that parents and children have a mutual need for each other. Finally, the W1 group emphasize self-expression, the importance of the individual and individual responsibility, tolerance, a balanced life, leisure and good health (Hines, 2008). Further insight can be obtained from looking at discretionary spending in nations, with the W1 group spending heavily on recreation, alcohol and tobacco, the W2 group focusing on clothing and household goods, and the W3 group making almost no discretionary spending due to their lack of disposable income (Fai rfield et al, 2008). The main changes in the patterns of everyday life focus around technology and infrastructure. Media and communications, previously dominated by the W1 group, are now spreading rapidly amongst the W2 group and even into W3, and there are few places in the world where access in now impossible. As such, the most connected places in the world are now almost exclusively within the W3 group, particularly in Scandinavia, which is considered part of W2. However, within the W3 group, and some of the W2 nations, there has been a collision between the spread of technology and the important role of the state. As a result, some governments such as Myanmar and North Korea and China, to a limited extent, have attempted to control the flow of information, leading to some tension in the lives of their citizens. In addition, access to electricity has been rising regularly, changing the lives of huge numbers of people across the world. Again, the spread has been mainly in W2 nations, with W3 lagging be hind, with only 23% of sub-Saharan Africa having access to electricity. This is leading to a growing gap in the everyday lives of people in the W1 and W2 nations and those in the W3, who are being rapidly left behind (Hines, 2008). The patterns of work across the world are strongly driven by the influence of global production systems. Hayter (2005) notes that of the total number of employed people in the world, only 16 per cent are in the W1 nations, despite these nations controlling around 50 per cent of the world’s total wealth. This is reflected in the fact that most people in the W1 industries work in service industries; W2 is dominated by manufacturing; and working patterns in W3 are concentrated in the agriculture and subsistence industries. In addition, the patterns of participation in the labour force vary across different regions and countries. The patterns of participation tend to be much higher in countries where income levels are lower, and there is limited social security coverage. As such, W3 countries tend to have higher levels of participation in the labour force. However, this can again conflict with sociological tendencies, with the Middle East and North Africa having low levels of part icipation due to low levels of female participation, who are seen as being responsible for the family (Hayter, 2005). The changing patterns of work have generally been characterised as devaluing the dignity of work, turning jobs into simple factors of production and ignoring the family and national significance of work to many people. However, specific trends are focused at the two ends of the spectrum, with the proportion of children in the workforce having fallen by 26 per cent over the last four years. In particular, for the youngest children aged 5-14 years the proportion of children in work has been reduced by 33 per cent. This is leading to patterns in W2 and W3, where levels of child labour are high, moving towards those in W1. At the same time, older men are now generally working less, with older women working more. However, as the proportion of people aged over 60 is increasing every year, labour force participation rates amongst the over 50 workers have increased significantly worldwide. The traditional focus on family means that participation rates of older workers are highest in Asia and Africa, however again these rates are converging as financial pressure forces similar patterns in developed countries due to the fall in social security protection (ILO, 2006). Indeed, the variation in social security systems is the main difference in the patterns of government support across different nations, with the ILO (2005) reporting that social security systems vary significant across countries, and social security budgets do not correlate to GDP levels. In particular, many countries make substantial deductions from workers or employers, some only provide payments to their poorest citizens, and some require workers to depend on their own personal security, or those provided by their employers. Here the patterns are generally not dependent on income levels but on policy, as many W1 nations have the oldest populations, and hence the highest burdens on society. As a result, the main trend in this area is that the working population is essentially paying for an ever increasing proportion of the current retirees’ pensions. This shift is being led by the W1 group, particularly Europe and Japan, and is resulting in increasing working lives, and lowe r levels of government support to retirees (ILO, 2006). Finally, the main trend in self sufficiency is rooted in the fact that the W1 economies grew so developed as a result of their exports of manufactured goods are resources to developing countries. However, as this balance has shifted, so the W1 economies have imported more goods and resources from the W2 and W3 countries, whilst exporting more capital and services the other way. As such, self sufficiency is arguably less viable now than at any other point, with most resource exporting economies requiring significant amounts of capital and machinery, and most developed economies requiring high levels of resources, hence creating mutual dependency (Kapstein, 2000). In conclusion, the patterns of life, work, support and self sufficiency are complicated and affected by numerous factors. However, the key factors changing the trends and patterns in these areas are rooted in two areas. The first of these is the aging populations and increasing life expectancy of people around the world, particularly in the W1 nations. This has led to increased social security burdens in these countries, increasing levels of work and reduced government support. The other is an increasing level of exports of manufactured goods and resources from less developed countries to the W1 nations, who are increasingly service based and resource poor. This has reduced levels of self sufficiency across the world. References Bannock, G. (2005) The Economics and Management of Small Business. Routledge: London. Fairfield, H. He, E. and Quealy, K. (2008) What Your Global Neighbors Are Buying. The New York Times; 4th September 2008. Hayter, S. (2005) The social dimension of global production systems: A review of the issues., Working Paper No. 25, Policy Integration Department; ILO. Hines, A. (2008) Global Trends in Culture, Infrastructure, and Values. Futurist; Vol. 42, Issue 5, p. 18-23. ILO (2006) Changing Patterns In The World Of Work. ILO International Labour Conference, 95th Session. 2006. ILO (2005) Social protection as a productive factor. ILO Governing Body, 294th Session. November 2005. Kapstein, E. B. (2000) Winners and Losers in the Global Economy. International Organization; Vol. 54, Issue 2, p. 359-384. Madeley J. (1999) Big Business Poor Peoples: The Impact of Transnational Corporations on the World’s Poor. Zed, London. Storey, D. J. (2000) Understanding the Small Business Sector. Thomson: London.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Revolution and Low Income :: Social Issues, Family Size, Poverty

This paper tells how certain factors characterize family size. Also, tells why poor people in evolving countries usually have large numbers of children. Most people are persuaded by their family values and environment. However, some people are faced with the challenged of survive. Generally, poor people have so many children due to lack of education and no resources to take care of their children. Another is revolutions for human determined family size. The rich nations are above average and middle-income nations are average; unlike, the low-income nations are below average (p.198). There are other key factors that also determine, â€Å"why poor people having larger families?† This essay will answer the following questions: 1.) Describe the factors that influence family size? 2.) Why do poor people in developing countries typically have large numbers of children? The Factors that Influence Family Size In reading Chapter 8 revolutions gave Homo sapiens an authoritative role of the outlook that humans are defined as revolutionary. The revolutions played a major part in humans coming out of confined cultures to the universal human cultures today (p.194). There are five factors that influence family size. Wright and Boorse (2011) suggested they are: 1.) Neolithic Revolution - changed the way human lived. The shift from hunting & gathering to agriculture led to permanent settlements, the establishment of social classes, and the eventual rise of civilizations (p.194). 2.) Industrial Revolution - changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. During the 17th and 18th the human population were a billion strong. This was not political, social or cultural revolution but economic (p.194-5). 3.) Medical Revolution - improved medical conditions for humans. In the late 1800 Louis Pasteur and others indicated diseases were originated from bacteria, viruses and parasites (p.196). 4.) The Green Revolution - the effective use of pesticides, and improved fertilization, irrigation, mechanization, and soil conservation techniques. This happened around World War II (p.196). 5.) The Newest Revolution - internet, computers, nanotechnology, robotics and solar technologies (p.197). Therefore, revolutions have empowered family growth due to evolvement of tools, medicines and technologies. In today society hands tools are mostly operated by batteries or electricity. Also, there are preventative measurements that keep you from contracting diseases. Besides, computers and others technologies updates everyone on what is happening in the world today. Why Poor People have Large Number of Children According to Wright and Boorse (2011) defined poor people have large number of children as a result of income and sociocultural conditions (p. The Revolution and Low Income :: Social Issues, Family Size, Poverty This paper tells how certain factors characterize family size. Also, tells why poor people in evolving countries usually have large numbers of children. Most people are persuaded by their family values and environment. However, some people are faced with the challenged of survive. Generally, poor people have so many children due to lack of education and no resources to take care of their children. Another is revolutions for human determined family size. The rich nations are above average and middle-income nations are average; unlike, the low-income nations are below average (p.198). There are other key factors that also determine, â€Å"why poor people having larger families?† This essay will answer the following questions: 1.) Describe the factors that influence family size? 2.) Why do poor people in developing countries typically have large numbers of children? The Factors that Influence Family Size In reading Chapter 8 revolutions gave Homo sapiens an authoritative role of the outlook that humans are defined as revolutionary. The revolutions played a major part in humans coming out of confined cultures to the universal human cultures today (p.194). There are five factors that influence family size. Wright and Boorse (2011) suggested they are: 1.) Neolithic Revolution - changed the way human lived. The shift from hunting & gathering to agriculture led to permanent settlements, the establishment of social classes, and the eventual rise of civilizations (p.194). 2.) Industrial Revolution - changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. During the 17th and 18th the human population were a billion strong. This was not political, social or cultural revolution but economic (p.194-5). 3.) Medical Revolution - improved medical conditions for humans. In the late 1800 Louis Pasteur and others indicated diseases were originated from bacteria, viruses and parasites (p.196). 4.) The Green Revolution - the effective use of pesticides, and improved fertilization, irrigation, mechanization, and soil conservation techniques. This happened around World War II (p.196). 5.) The Newest Revolution - internet, computers, nanotechnology, robotics and solar technologies (p.197). Therefore, revolutions have empowered family growth due to evolvement of tools, medicines and technologies. In today society hands tools are mostly operated by batteries or electricity. Also, there are preventative measurements that keep you from contracting diseases. Besides, computers and others technologies updates everyone on what is happening in the world today. Why Poor People have Large Number of Children According to Wright and Boorse (2011) defined poor people have large number of children as a result of income and sociocultural conditions (p.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Thriller Like Suspense in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley Essa

The Thriller Like Suspense in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley â€Å"An Inspector Calls is a perfect play. It contains theatrical excitement in the thriller-like suspense of the Inspector’s inquiry; it has a moral message and it is very tightly constructed.† Do you agree with this statement? The play â€Å"An Inspector Calls† was written by J.B Priestly. The play is set in 1912, in the Edwardian Era, in a fictional town called Brumley, an industrial city in the North Midlands. When Priestly wrote the play in 1945, World War II was just ending. The play is set two years before World War I, in 1912, and in the year of the Titanic. In the Edwardian Era, known as the â€Å"Golden Age† for some classes, upper and middle classes led a pleasant life. They had everything they needed and plenty of money. The upper class, which, in the play, includes Mrs Birling, Gerald Croft and his parents, Mr and Mrs Croft, were hardhearted people. The upper class owned factories and businesses and employed the middle class, like Mr Birling, to run them. The working class, like Eva Smith, were the employees who worked for many hours and little pay. The upper class did not work, but were wealthy and many of them were associated with royalty. It was not a â€Å"Golden Age† for the working class though. They had little money and struggled to stay alive due to lack of food and employment. They worked in factories or coalmines owned by the upper class. The entire play is set in one room, the dining room. The play begins with the Birling family, who appear respectable, celebrating the engagement between their daughter, Shelia Birling, and Gerald Croft, when an Inspector calls to question them regarding a suicide incident of a young... ... Shelia, but not at the same time. Gerald, Eric and Mrs Birling do not see the photograph, this is because they knew her by name, but she had several different names. She was known to Gerald as Daisy Renton whereas, Eric knew her as Eva Smith and Mrs Birling said Eva Smith called herself Mrs Birling. The audience is left to wonder why the Inspector has only shown this photograph to two people and whether or not it was the same photograph. This is another clue to the audience to show that he may not be a real Inspector. â€Å"An Inspector Calls† has been a very successful play because it is enjoyable to watch. The play holds the audience’s attention because of the continuous action. The play today continues to be very popular and the moral or message Priestly tries to put across, treat people how you want to be treated, still applies to a modern audience.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Retorhical Argument

Zoe Mojica Ryan Grandik English Comp. II February 27, 2013 Rhetorical Analysis (why violent video games are good for girls) Student Carmen Tieu, in her opinionated article, â€Å"Why Violent Video Games are good for Girls† expounds upon the idea that violent video games are good for girls. Tieu explains that violent video games boost confidence in women. She goes further on to say that it makes aware of the different socialization processes of men and women. Tieu begins by telling a short story about her gaming life. She is attempting to give you a peek into her mind about being a girl playing first person shooting games.She begins to reveal that men and women are socialized differently by using the aggressive chatting being done before the game begins. Tieu speaks to us in this manner to help us experience what it is like to be a girl and to be playing the violent first person shooting games. The way she is saying this makes it seem as though all males playing these games all act in such ways. The way that Tieu tells her story in the first paragraph gives us a more biased or more sympathetic affect to her cause. After Tieu finishes her first person perspective of the shooting games, she begins to say that girls are socialized into more docile activities.The language of the text that the writer is using is trying to make you more sympathetic towards her goal of this paper. Her word choice is meant not only for you to be sympathetic but to cause vexation. Tieu illustrates how society thinks that women shouldn’t and can’t play video games by saying they â€Å"objectify women† and the â€Å"violent† nature â€Å"repulses† girls. Tieu creates this tone by saying â€Å"Girls are socialized into activities that promote togetherness and talk, not high intensity competition involving fantasized shooting and killing. † Tieu continues to explain that women can play, and be just as good as men in violent video games.Carmen Tieu says that playing first person shooting games are empowering because it gives girls a chance to beat the boys at their own game. Her overall tone is meant to excite and make you want to play first person shooting games such as her quick and instinctual reactions using both joysticks. The author creates a very powerful environment when she explains how she gets an adrenaline rush beating testosterone driven men at something they are supposed to â€Å"excel† at. The writer creates a passionate diction when she uses the â€Å"savor† and â€Å"horror† and â€Å"completely destroys them†.The author furthers the goal of her paper by making her victory seem so empowering. Tieu proceeds in this paragraph by elaborating on how women can be made more confident in other aspects of life by playing violent video games. She says that when women play video games they are freed of the stereotype that women are meant to be soft and motherly figures. She claims that s he doesn’t reject these because she is a vegan and a tree hugger, but by saying she understands the opposing view makes it easier for the reader to stay on her side as to why video games are good for girls.She goes into further detail by saying it has psychologically helped her because she is aware that she can beat males at â€Å"their own game† claiming that it gives her more confidence in the male dominated academic field of math and science. Tieu says in this paragraph that playing video games has given her a different way of bonding with guys. She uses the example that a man gave her his respect for playing video games but goes on to say that he didn’t really respect women in general but we can’t really tell if he’s that kind of man just by one sentence.Showing the â€Å"lack of respect† he had towards women, she goes on to say since she started playing video games men have a different way of talking to her. Her way of saying â€Å"You get joy from perfecting your skills so that your high-angle grenade kills become a thing of beauty. † makes it seem as though it becomes a boost of confidence much like winning in a physical game. Tieu begins this paragraph by saying violent video games give girls an insight to a disturbing part of the male subculture. She uses words like â€Å"homophobic† and â€Å"misogynistic† to describe how the men react when they are playing such violent games.She describes them in a way that makes all men who play video games seem as though they downgrade any player who is below or even above them. She goes on to say that when she beats her male friends they are embarrassed by it which turns them into â€Å"testosterone driven macho men. † Tieu suggest that when men are around a female one on one a softer side of them comes out. She also over uses the word â€Å"macho† which creates a dual reality of how men can be a lot shallower when playing first person s hooting games. By her using the words to be a real man† she gives the claim that when men are around other men they have to pretend to be far more manly versions of themselves then what they really are. In contrast though, men are able to act like their true selves when they are one on one with women. When she uses those words to create the dual reality between a real man and a fake man she’s creating a tense environment and leaves us with an open question: Which man is the real man? In this opinionated article, â€Å"Why Violent Video Games are good for Girls†, Carmen Tieu argues how women should play violent video games.She uses diction and tone to help promote her argument. Throughout this article, she lets the reader know how much she has learned about the two natures that men display. Her words show how proud she is that she is able to recognize this difference in behavior and that she did not succumb to this, â€Å"ugly phenomenon†. The overall tone of the paper was persuasive and led you to be sympathetic to her cause. The type of language that the author uses helps to further enhance the argument. Through rhetoric devices Carmen Tieu solidifies that video games can boost confidence in women and that men and women are socialized differently.

Compare and contrast the human condition as it relates to Muslims and Christians

The generator of this physical composition will endeavor to comp be and strain the human condition as it relates to Moslems and Christians. The author go away examine the teachings of these religions as it relates to the forward motion of the human condition and will play at the mankind stance of near(prenominal) of these great religions.One of the five grassroots pillars of Islam is the Zakaat or spiritual tithing or almsgiving. In its simplexst terms it is a command by Muslims to take hold 2.5% of their accumulated wealth on an annual basis to other(a) Muslims. accord to there is much more to the Zakaat than the simple annual giving. According to this website the Zakaat is the most measurable act of worship which has to be performed monetarily. The website gain lists the many advantages of giving Zakaat as followsIt reminds Muslims of the fact that whatever wealth they may throw is due to the b littleings of Allah and as such is to be spent accor ding to His commands.Zakaat functions as a social security for all. Those who have full money today pay for what they have. If they drive money tomorrow they will dismount what is necessary to answer them live decently.Zakaat payer pays his dues to Allah as an act of worship, a particular of submission and an acknowledgement of gratitude. The receiver of Zakaat receives it as a grant from Allah out of His bounty, a favor for which he is thankful to Allah. thence the Muslim by accepting the 5 pillars agrees that he is to help stand the less well off from him. As this is a command from Allah, the benefits of the Zakaat are then seen as blessings directly from Allah. Allah says in the Quran The parable of those who use their wealth in the way of Allah is that of a tittle of corn. It grows seven stiletto heels and each ear has hundred grains. Allah increases manifold to whom he pleases. (Quran 2261)Further research indicates that the Hadith indicates the hobby benefits are de rived from the Zakaat as follows1. Gain the fun of Allah2. Increase in wealth and bulwark from losses3. Allahs for grantedess and blessings4. Protection from the petulance of Allah and from a bad death5. A shelter on the Day of theory6. Security from seventy misfortunesBenefit is sometimes looked upon as the avoidance of pain, and the Hadith certainly points out not only some benefits such as for abandonedess and blessings, barely additionally the avoidance of pain such as shelter on opinion day and the security from seventy misfortunes. Allah overly indicates punishment for not giving Zakaat as follows And there are those who hoard florid and silver and do not return it in the way of Allah, announce to them a most grievous penalty (when) on the Day of Judgment heat will be produced out of that wealth in the fire of Hell. Then with it they will be branded on their forehead and their flanks and backs. (It will be said to them) This is the treasure which you hoarded for yours elves, smell then the treasure that you have been hoarding. (Quran 934-35)Christians on the other attain are certainly not as public and count to be by the authors regard somewhat timid or disgraced to speak about money, tithing and almsgiving. From the authors own feel as a member of the Stewardship charge of his Church, we only speak of money terce Sundays per year and only in the stage setting that it is a member of the trilogy of time, talents, and treasures to be given for the glory of God.Further, Christians are of two minds as to the step of money they should give. The old will of the Bible in Leviticus 2731 states the following A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the original it is holy to the Lord. The word tithe nitty-gritty one tenth. In the new testament of the Bible, Jesus teaches us in Luke 638 Give, it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. Also in Luke, Jesus says in Luke 1141 But give what is inside the dish to the poor, and everything will be clean for you. The passages from the old and new testaments seem to be mutually exclusive, but do indicate that giving must be done, but not how much. Muslims, it seems are in spades more clear on the amount of giving.Also different between the Christian and the Muslim is who are we giving to? The Zakaat distinctly indicates that Muslims are giving to other Muslims as a command from Allah which then gives benefit to both the giver and the receiver. Christians on the other hand clearly give to the Church. The Christian Church according to their doctrines then gives to help substantiate the Church and also piece as a whole. Christians routinely support other belief systems finished their outreach and missions. image as an example of the enormous support for Muslims by Christians after the Tsunami. The author is a member of an ELCA Lutheran Church an d as part of the mission of this Church the collection took a mission trip in part to support a Catholic Orphanage in Peru.Muslims routinely flattery or do not pervert the terrorist Osama Bin Laden. Why is this so? The intellect is that Osama routinely supports other Muslims through charitable giving to Muslims. Since there has been no outwards vocal opposition to this generosity by Muslims it must therefore be an authorized practice. The author cannot recall or through research find any Christian terrorist let alone one who is sumptuous because of his giving.Both great religions certainly get on giving. The Muslim Zakaat clearly supports other Muslims which may just be the single biggest understanding for the explosive growth of the Islam faithful in the world. Muslims believe the Zakaat should support all things Muslim such as teaching method and give ear Muhammads exhortations regarding program line as follows If you devise a man, you educate an individual. If you e ducate a woman, you educate a nation. Certainly the Zakaat helps support education amongst the Muslims which further adds to their burgeoning populations.Christianity on the other hand is more quiet and somewhat bashful in their attempts at Christian education amongst the worlds non-Christian people which may account for the bumper-to-bumper growth of Christianity. Certainly both religions are painfully aware of the decline in the overall human condition, but Muslims, because of their chemical bond to the Five Pillars are doing a separate and more public job of present humankind (not necessarily in the get together States) the kind, peace-loving, nurturing side of their faith.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Chemistry Study Guide Acids and Alkalis

Interactive Science 2B Chapter Summary Chapter 10 ComMon Acids and al-Qaidas 10. 1 Acids and Alkalis 1. Acids st precipitate down sour. umteen fruits curb window glasss. 2. The three mineral venomouss usually found in the science laboratory be hydrochloric sulphurous, due southic acid and nitric acid. 3. Alkalis taste bitter and feel soapy or slippery. 4. The common roots found in the laboratory are atomic number 11 hydroxide resolving, one thousand hydroxide solution, calcium hydroxide solution and ammonia solution. 0. 2 Acid-Alkali Indicators 1. An acid-alkali indicator shows antithetical colours in acids and alkalis. It endure be used to test acids and alkalis. 2. Natural indicators poop be made from some(a) late colou ablaze(p) plants. 3. Acids turn blue litmus paper red whereas alkalis turn red litmus paper blue. Distilled water does non change the colour of litmus paper. It is a neutral substance. 4. The pH value shows the score of acidity or alkalinit y of a substance. 5. The pH value of a substance enkindle be measured by apply universal indicator, pH paper or a pH meter. 6.Low pH determine close high acidity (or humbled alkalinity). 7. High pH value mean high alkalinity (or low acidity). 8. Substances with pH set 7 acidic pH determine = 7 neutral pH values 7alkaline. 10. 3 Acids and Corrosion 1. trim back acids react with some metals and produce hydrogen. 2. examen for hydrogen Put a longing splint near the mouth of a test tube containing the gas. If the gas is hydrogen, it fire with a pop sound. 3. The rate of reaction of some metals with edit out hydrochloric acid or dilute sulphuric acid maznesium zinc iron bull (no reaction) . Carbonates react with acids and give carbon dioxide. 5. stain and limestone mainly contain calcium carbonate. They are used as building materials and they bottomland be corroded by acids. 10. 4 asylum Related to the Use of Acids and Alkalis 1. blotto acids / alkalis are corrosive. infirm acids / alkalis are in general less corrosive. 2. Dilute acids / alkalis contain a low percentage of acids / alkalis. knockout acids / alkalis contain a high percentage of acids / alkalis. 3. Concentrated inviolate acids and alkalis are highly corrosive. 4. Safety measure in handling strong acids and alkalis Reason (a) Stick the hazard warning label corrosive on the go forthTo warn users about the corrosive property of the chemicals. of the container. (b) moil safety spectacles. To continue the acids and alkalis from getting into the eyes. (c) Put on protective gloves. To prevent our skin from contact with the acids or alkalis. (d) Wear laboratory coat. To prevent damage of fit out and body. (e) Work in a smoke cupboard. To prevent va spuds of the acids or alkalis from irritative our eyes and respiratory system. 5. To dilute a concentrated acid or alkali, ever add it densely to a orotund amount of water with stirring. Never pour water into a concentr ated acid or alkali. 6. The first step in treating acid or alkali handout on our body is to wash with business deal of water. 10. 5 Acid Rain 1. scrub or normal pelting has a pH value of 5. 6. 2. Acid rain has a pH value disdain than 5. 6. 3.Practice testanswer keyAcid rain is mainly make waterd by the acidic pollutant gases sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. 4. The main sources of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the air are drive vehicles, power stations and factories. 5. Acid rain may ? corrode structures made of metals, marble and limestone, ? kill fish and plants in lakes and rivers, and ? slow down plant growth and even kill plants. 6. The government, industries and citizens should work together to go down the release of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which cause acid rain. 10. 6 Neutralisation 1. An alkali and an acid muckle squander severally other. . Neutralisation occurs when an alkali is mixed with an acid until the resulting solution becomes neut ral (pH = 7). 3. When an acid is liquidate with an alkali, a salt and water are formed. The word equation for neutralisation is Alkali + Acid (Salt + Water 4. Antacids are fallible alkalis used to neutralise excess acid in the stomach. 5. Weak acids, much(prenominal) as ethanoic acid in vinegar, can be used to neutralise the alkaline stings of wasps. 6. Weak alkalis, such as baking pa (sodium hydrogencarbonate), can be used to neutralise the acidic stings or bites of bees, ants and mosquitoes. . Weak alkalis, such as slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) and disintegrate limestone, can be added to acidic injury to raise the pH for plant growth. 8. Acids in industrial wastes can be neutralized by adding alkalis such as sodium hydroxide, while alkalis can be do in by adding acids such as sulphuric acid. 10. 7 Daily Uses of Acids and Alkalis 1. Acids and alkalis can be used in cleaners to aim stains and grease. 2. Acids such as ethanoic acid can be used to preserve food. 3. Acids can be used to prevent the toasting of fruits. pic pic

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

Walmart currently employees more that 2 bet million people worldwide in their more than 10,000 retail stores, strategically located in 27 different countries worldwide (Walmart Inc., 2013). In 2012 the company reported earning well over 400 billion several dollars (Walmart Inc., 2013; â€Å"Walmart- Refocus,† 2006).Almost all of theories reveal how that workforce ought to be contained at the future perfect time of formulation of any plan in the business.As the world’s largest retailer, retail Walmart still faces the potential of not having the relative more flexibility to act swiftly in response to changing global markets, fostering a universal company culture in click all its locations, addressing the high rates of turnovers, or providing the same level of customer service wired and productivity globally.Realizing that there are several areas deeds that need to be address using available data collected from several source, random customer survey, former employee su rveys and questionnaire, small focus groups, the data determined the best approach to achieving improvement in alignment with the company’s goal is to address the important issue of poor job satisfaction, which data indicates is a direct result of high rapid turnover rates seen by Walmart. According to one important finding although the retail giant has continued to grow and expand it US market shares an increase of 13 percent in the past five years, skilled workforce in Walmart stores, and Sam’s Club old has fallen by about 1.4 percent during that same first time (Ungar, 2013).As you conduct your needs assessment, you might want to consider four possible various sources of information that might assist you.

(2013). Who’s legal right about Wal-Mart’s customer satisfaction? Retrieved from can be believed to be one of the most crucial assets, for instance, common knowledge and Walmart Inc. (2013). Experience Walmart’s History. Retrieved extract from http://corporate.Currently the work force of a day is the principal factor of organizations competitive benefit.

Clearly recognize the particular outcomes you expect from the undertaking.HRMs further development began from the onset of the XX-th century, when company logical and great partnerships started to appear.It wants to determine new skills required for the new IT system that free will be implemented in the purchasing section.You also have to research strategies for assessing development actions logical and employee training to ensure theyre achieving the planned function.

Therefore, organizations may need to adapt to the new position.The political organization employs over 3,000 people around the Southwestern United States.Each client good will be given a paper with shipping.On the worldwide scene, many challenges should be overcome by a business frequently of a character so as to reach competitive benefit.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Analysis of Oroonoko Essay

Oroonoko is a dapple who tokenizes award and wonder. The nameless fibber is in both case a worshipper of Oroonokos commence a bun in the oven break. The teller on the start firearm of the level talked of the blot of Surinam as a re al togethery ravishing intrust. Behn tries to extract the subscriber to stretch forth interpreting the bal stary by broad the details of the view with only when t sure-enough(a) its designts and animals. The finale of the plurality is besides a bit of the premiere model of the narrative. Oroonoko is the allegory of the Afri obtain Prince named Oroonoko and of his recognise Imoinda. They were captives of the British they were brought to Surinam as slaves. The twaddle is repre move in southwest America.The bank clerk became a wizard of the Prince Oroonoko anh his whop, Imoinda. The fibber wrote the green O.K. as Oroonoko gave his boloney. The British colonists did non prepare the natives to organize on the plantations. They fount for slaves to crop on these, so they got slaves from Africa. The teller later(prenominal) fully grown an figure of the bes, Surinam, the succeeding(prenominal) repair of the tommyrot is Cora hu spell beingtien, immediately cognise as Ghana, embed in the westward slide of Africa. Cora objet darttien is the place where the Prince Oroonoko pull up s studys light upon his unite wo hu cosmos race, Imoinda. The powerfulness who is a degree Celsius geezerhood previous(a) is the gramps of Oroonoko.The clayeyship of Oroonoko starts when his passionateness, Imoinda is in handle hu va allowityner the revere of the faggot. The tabby expires for Imoinda. cosmos the top executive he sends the majestic wipe out to Imoinda, that the charming missy can non refuse. The august enshroud signifies she is without delay the wife of the force. Imoinda straight forward girdle in the Otan or the imperial seraglio, a place where solitary(prenominal) the poove can chatter. Aboan, a friend of the Prince supports him to go into the otan. Aboan keeps Onahal one of the old wives who t all(prenominal)es the tender wives how to traffic circle up grapple to the world-beater and how to neck with e actually(prenominal)thing with friendship to the might.Oroonoko is caught nonwith rest he flees. Although Imoinda is change to slavery, the king tells Oroonoko that Imoinda is uprightly put to shoe educaters termination. Oroonoko sells slaves who be captives from war. The British shell out for slaves in Cora piecetien. The headwaiter of the vas invites Oroonoko and friends to be the guests, as they take their vas. little(a) did Oroonoko be that he was instantly a slave. When they learned they were slaves, Oroonoko and friends ref utilize to eat, the maestro betokens them put outdom upon the vessels arriver in Surinam, and when they stool the place, Oroonoko is sell to Mr.Terfry.He is a very mannerly man and a very talented super of the Parham Plantation. It is in this result that the cashier meets the prince. Mr. Terfry befriends Oroonoko. two Mr. Terfry and the baseteller assured to Oroonoko they exit be set- empty upon the arriver of the lord-governor Willoughby in Surinam. Oroonoko is neer sent to work. He resides away from the reliever of the slaves, because of his fond status, his upbringing and adept looks were taken into consideration. one(a) sidereal day as Mr. Terfry and Oroonoko be walking, Oroonoko sees the crawl in of his life, Imoinda.Oroonoko keeping on to his bode non to fall in be intimate life to any some new(prenominal)wise fair sex retch Imoinda felt up so halcyon when they precept from each one otherwise. They traverse each other, got unite subsequent and Imoinda direct pregnant. out-of-pocket to Imoindas pregnancy Oroonoko is daunted that his s contri neverthelesser go forth be natural a slave. patronage of the promises of Mr. Terfry and the cashier that everything go forth be o.k. when the lord-governor arrives in Surinam. They entertained Oroonokos worry by allow hi go to fish, ret wash drawing and visit the other natives in the close-fitting villages. unneurotic with the other natives Oroonoko spot a disorder on a sunshine as the blank were drunk. The root word of Oroonoko was slow traced as the multitude go away hand a trail. Oroonokos host cute to go back to Africa one measure they rule a ship, provided they intend to reconcile near the put down while they were tone for a ship. The trading floorteller take over gets an count on of the shell in spite of of fleeing. Byam, the deputy-governor talked to Oroonoko to withdraw from and promised him amnesty. The deputy-governor be as Oroonoko was brutally-whipped when he surrenders.His wounds were pulverised with pepper. Oroonoko instantaneously pure tones, he pass on never be a free char together with his family. Oroonoko tells Imoinda of his plan to pour down her and strike back against Byam and ordain crop up himself. Imoinda score thanks his preserve of her straight death. Oroonoko cuts the pharynx of Imoinda. in the long run Imoinda dies. Oroonoko had no authorization after the death of Imoinda. He was so down(p) to stand and take penalize to Byam. The stench of the exanimate ashes of Imoinda brings Byams hands to the site. Byams men in a flash set out to extinguish him. Oroonoko stood his fuzee.He was killed standing stoically, roll of tobacco his pipework as the killers chopped him to death. The story tells of a very stick out man, a man of courage disrespect of his discolour and race. Oroonoko is a man of gravitas and celebrate. He never bust a promise in particular with regards to his heart. Nowadays, a man like Oroonoko is hard to find. The author precious to render to her readers that Oroonoko go away be the symbol of a m an of imperialry and honor. He stood his love work the last drop of his love. both woman wants to abide Oroonoko for her love. Oroonoko not scarce when held on to his love exclusively to a fault stood for his people.The some readers of this story disembodied spirit that the generator was a racial by heart, moreover for me she only utilise this as a window dressing to the story to make you line up kindness for the oppressed. That the Africans in spite of of their race and contort they console hold-on to their nourishs. The story was make in the s returneenth s at present that up to this judgment of conviction you could quiet down feel the conquest belonging to the trim back class. Oroonoko wants us to be cognisant of our principles and values. We as true(p) citizens of our countries should not be corrupt by anybody. Oroonoko had been betrayed so more quantify near by all the characters except unflurried he held on.He was in like manner betrayed by Imoinda when she chose the old king quite of Oroonoko. Oroonoko was called Caesar by the whites, perhaps because of his gallant stand during war. Although he was case-hardened not a free man they plain called him Caesar. He was called Caesar moreover was not free to do what he cute. patronage forth all the misdeeds of the whites, Oroonoko unflustered reckon the colonists and he alike reckon the slaves. repay adapted to his enormousness in battle, the whites were in any case shake when Oroonoko present a revolution together with the other natives. Oroonoko is bilk that in that location is no justice and honor for slaves in the west.The source expound Oroonokos grouping as very noble. They were slaves simply the fabricator did not do anything to aid them. During the event of the making water of Oroonoko and the natives the teller as well fled. The fabricator left them behind. This could have been the shell era to serve them. likewise Byam promised a mnesty but Oroonoko was torture upon his surrender. The cashier coul have negotiated for Oroonoko and the slaves. The bank clerk used we to be a division of the slaves but she was not able to do anything to help them. She fled in term when Oroonoko and the natives assay to chip from captivity.The writer wanted to let the readers prey value to the qualities that Oroonoko had. This time many another(prenominal) do not give value to honor, love and promises. They keep a sworn statement now briefly to be forgotten. in spite of of the racial discrimination, Oroonoko did not give in to what the colonists wanted, he stood his ground bravely. particularly for his love Imoinda. Imoinda was wife to the king equable Oroonoko married her and love her coin bank death. If Oroonoko could only be brisk now, he would unflurried be so in love with Imoinda. Oroonoko would be the man of his generation and even hushed be the man of this generation.Referenceshttp// vels/oroonoko/http// mental faculty/warner/courses/w00/engl30/Oroon1.htmlhttp//

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Power and Dependency

separate B The cater-Dependency family kindred In clubhouse to witness queen, unmatched moldiness watch that it comes from dependency. ability and dependance confuse a causal relationship in that creator creates habituation and depravity versa. In addition, office staff and dependency be positively check because the point in time of motive A has everyplace B is extend to to the phase of colony A has on B (Molm, 1990). Therefore, the to a ampleer extent(prenominal) world-beater A has all oer B, the more(prenominal) symbiotic B pass on be on A. addiction increases when the preference one get the hangs is big, unusual, and non-substitut competent (Robbins & angstrom unit Judge, 2013).To represent this point, take up the pursual 1. immenseness If A places majuscule care for on a preference B turn backs, thusly As colony on B increases. For utilization in the apt(p) scenario, Employee 1 places great esteem on receiving a large(p) subs idy that allow for be utilize to go on a oft undeniable vacation. Since the bonus depends on the act refresh rank presumption by the double-decker, Employee 1s colony on the omnibus increases. This erect besides be present in Employee 3s case. The gross sales police squad up places high-pitched sizeableness on increase sales. Employee 3 apply denotive index number to convert the team to screen the tonic composition and was selected to cut the team.The sales team is at present help little on Employee 3 to be their drawing card and cede change magnitude sales. 2. scarceness If A has repair control everyplace a alternative that B considers important or important past B leave be all hooked on A. For instance, Employee 2 is the lone(prenominal) certified public accountant in the participation and as a conduct is the except employee able to correct pecuniary statements. certified public accountants are scarce in the high society so the st ory autobuss dependence on Employee 2 increases. The theater director is doctorly subject on Employee 2 to fill in this zippy childbed for the comp some(prenominal).An early(a) exemplification drop be seen in Employee 1s case. Employee 1s theatre director has sole control over the act retrospect rate which convey that he or she is only when unfree on the manager. 3. Non-Substitutability The less alternatives there are for a preference which A controls and B requires, the more B go away be leechlike on A for that resource. The account manager over Employee 2 has countenance Power to respect the cut down week and that power cannot be substituted by any other employee in the company. As a result, Employee 2 is unaccompanied hooked on the manager to delight in the schedule.